A new way to work...

Agri-Spread’s Multipurpose Fertilizer, lime, compost, and bulk product trailed and Chassis Mount Spreaders, offer Premium Quality Equipment, with Unmatched Capabilities, Capacity and Support. We are Known as the “Cadillac” of Spin Spreaders.
Agri-Spread offers Agronomic, Logistical and Economic advantages through Broadcast Spreading. Farms across North America are trending away from the one-pass fertility plan and recognizing the importance of 4R Fertilizer Principals - Right fertilizer source, at the Right rate, at the Right time and in the Right place (4R Nutrient Stewardship, n.d.)
Agronomic Advantages:
- Less Seed Burn,
- Better Crop Emergence,
- Improved crop nutrient absorption efficiency.
- Maximize yield in high potential areas
- Reduced application in lower potential areas
Logistical Advantages:
- Save Valuable time at Seeding by reducing fill times
- Save Valuable time at Seeding by increasing seeding speed.
- No AirDrill Flow/Plugging Issues and 25-40% overall Faster Seeding.
Economic Advantages:
- Reduced Fertilizer Waste from Leaching and Volatilization.
- Appropriate quantity applied based on plant stages and current soil conditions (optimum conditions, drowned out year, drought year)
- Quicker Seeding means Higher Yields.
- Reduce fertilizer storage costs by broadcasting when convenient
- Take advantage of seasonal fertilizer prices by applying when nutrient prices are low
Take advantage of REESINK’S New Agri-Spread Demo Program and see how purpose-built equipment with leading edge technology can help Manage your Fertilizer Costs, Increase your Productivity and Save you Valuable Time!